Like many of you, we’ve been watching reports of the devastation from Hurricane Harvey’s landfall in Texas and Louisiana with a heavy heart. Countless heroic individuals have been working tirelessly to rescue people from their homes and set up temporary shelters. Soon these communities will begin the long road to rebuilding.
In this Wednesday’s chapel service we took an offering for those affected by the storm. All of the collected funds will go to the Week of Compassion, the relief, refugee, and development mission of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), which will direct all of our money directly to relief projects. The administration at CTS has generously promised to match the first $5,000 contributed.
We are extending the time for offering collection through Wednesday, September 6, 2017. You can give in chapel next week or can mail/drop money off to our Communications Director, Nathan Wilson, at anytime between now and
September 6, 2017.
Photo of Hurricane Harvey courtesy of the European Space Agency. Used by permission. https://www.flickr.com/photos/europeanspaceagency/36749332836/