
Meet our Faculty

President, Professor of Theological Formation
Francisco Lozada Headshot
Vice President of Academic Affairs & Dean of the Faculty, Professor of New Testament Studies
Amy Lindeman-Allen headshot
Indiana Christian Church Associate Professor of New Testament, Director of the Master of Divinity Program
Matthias Beier headshot
Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Mental Health Counseling
PhD, LMFT, Director of Post-Graduate Residency Program, Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy
Rev. Dr. Courtney Buggs headshot
Assistant Professor of Homiletics, Director of the PhD in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric Program
Dr. Suzanne Coyle Headshot
Lois and Dale Bright Professor in Christian Ministries, Professor of Pastoral Theology and Marriage and Family Therapy, Director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program
Rev. Dr. Christina Davis Headshot
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Marriage and Family Therapy
Lane E. Davis headshot
Assistant Professor of Church History and United Methodist Studies, Director of United Methodist Studies
Associate Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Psychology of Religion
Herald B. Monroe Professor of Leadership and Ministry Studies, Co-Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program
Timothy McNinch headshot
Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible, Director of the Master of Theological Studies Program
Nick Peterson Headshot
Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Worship, Assistant Director of the Ph.D. in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric Program
Assistant Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Director of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program
Helene Russell headshot
Associate Professor of Theology
Robert Saler headshot
Associate Dean for Evaluation and Assessment, Associate Professor of Theology and Culture, Executive Director of Center for Pastoral Excellence and the Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Programs
Scott Seay headshot
William G. Irwin Associate Professor of Church History, Director of Library and Information Services, Co-Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program
Frank A. Thomas headshot
Nettie Sweeney and Hugh Th. Miller Professor of Homiletics, Director of the Compelling Preaching Initiative
President, Professor of Theological Formation
Francisco Lozada Headshot
Vice President of Academic Affairs & Dean of the Faculty, Professor of New Testament Studies
Amy Lindeman-Allen headshot
Indiana Christian Church Associate Professor of New Testament, Director of the Master of Divinity Program
Rev. Dr. Courtney Buggs headshot
Assistant Professor of Homiletics, Director of the PhD in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric Program
Lane E. Davis headshot
Assistant Professor of Church History and United Methodist Studies, Director of United Methodist Studies
Herald B. Monroe Professor of Leadership and Ministry Studies, Co-Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program
Timothy McNinch headshot
Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible, Director of the Master of Theological Studies Program
Nick Peterson Headshot
Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Worship, Assistant Director of the Ph.D. in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric Program
Helene Russell headshot
Associate Professor of Theology
Robert Saler headshot
Associate Dean for Evaluation and Assessment, Associate Professor of Theology and Culture, Executive Director of Center for Pastoral Excellence and the Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Programs
Scott Seay headshot
William G. Irwin Associate Professor of Church History, Director of Library and Information Services, Co-Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program
Frank A. Thomas headshot
Nettie Sweeney and Hugh Th. Miller Professor of Homiletics, Director of the Compelling Preaching Initiative
President, Professor of Theological Formation
Francisco Lozada Headshot
Vice President of Academic Affairs & Dean of the Faculty, Professor of New Testament Studies
Matthias Beier headshot
Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Mental Health Counseling
PhD, LMFT, Director of Post-Graduate Residency Program, Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy
Dr. Suzanne Coyle Headshot
Lois and Dale Bright Professor in Christian Ministries, Professor of Pastoral Theology and Marriage and Family Therapy, Director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program
Rev. Dr. Christina Davis Headshot
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Marriage and Family Therapy
Associate Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Psychology of Religion
Assistant Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Director of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program
Ashlyn Douthitt headshot
LMFT, CFLE, Affiliate Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy
Affiliate Professor of Theology
Philip James
Affiliate Professor
Associate Professor Emerita of Theology and Culture
Affiliate Professor of Homiletics and Ethics
Affiliate Professor of Jewish Studies
Affiliate Professor of Theology
MacAllister Petticrew Professor Emerita of Biblical Interpretation
Ron Allen
Professor Emeritus of Preaching and Gospels and Letters
Wilma Bailey
Minnie Vautrin Professor Emerita of Christian Witness and of Hebrew Bible and Aramaic Scripture
Frank Burch Brown
Frederick Doyle Kershner Professor Emeritus of Religion & the Arts
Holly Hearon
T.J. and Virginia Liggett Professor Emerita of Christian Traditions and Professor of New Testament
Gerald Jenzen
MacAllister-Petticrew Professor Emeritus of Old Testament
Associate Professor Emerita of Theology and Culture
Dan Mosely
Herald B. Monroe Professor Emeritus of Practical Parish Ministry
Calvin L. Porter
Nettie Sweeney and Hugh Th. Miller Professor Emeritus of New Testament
Bruce Roberts
Professor Emeritus of Congregational Education and Leadership; Director of Indiana Clergy Peer Group Study Program (PGSP)
Raymond Sommerville
William G. Irwin Associate Professor Emeritus of Church History
MacAllister Petticrew Professor Emerita of Biblical Interpretation
Harold Keith Watkins
Professor Emeritus of Practical Parish Ministry

CTS Directories