Faith & Action Spring Conference: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
Join us March 8th for the Faith & Action Spring Conference to hear from leaders and community members, engage with people working to break the cycle of poverty, and pray for solutions to the poverty and injustice facing our neighbors.
Pathways to Promising Employment
Poverty and employment used to be considered mutually exclusive. Today, however, many Central Indiana residents live in or on the verge of poverty despite being employed, and others struggle to attain employment. It’s a problem too big for individual agencies, congregations, or nonprofits to tackle alone. To find pathways to promising employment, our entire community must work together.
The 2023 Faith & Action Spring Conference will convene subject matter experts, organization leaders, and like-minded community members to help to make that happen. Anchored by keynote speaker Rabbi Sharon Brous, the day will include conversations about work and poverty, the sharing of best practices, and testimonies from community members about their journey to promising employment and stability.
Attendees will hear and discover:
• Best practices on how to respond when neighbors can’t provide for their families, even if they’re working
• Effective approaches to empower young adults who have never had hard work modeled for them
• Solutions to support and equip adults on their journey to promising employment
• Examples of programs that are successfully preparing individuals for jobs
• Ways individuals, faith communities, and organizations can play a meaningful role in breaking the cycle of poverty
Please note that attendance at the Spring Conference is a prerequisite for organizations wanting to apply for a Faith & Action grant. Conference registration closes March 2.
Conference Agenda:
8:30-9:15am Check In
9:30-9:40am Welcome Remarks
9:40-10:40am Keynote Address: Rabbi Sharon Brous, IKAR
Moderated conversation with Rabbi Brous, IKAR and Rabbi Krichiver, Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation
10:40-11:00am BREAK
11:00-Noon Panel Discussion: Prepare youth for promising employment and economic mobility
12:00-12:45pm Lunch and Table Discussions
1:00pm Song
1:05-2:05pm Panel Discussion: Equip and empower adults for promising jobs
2:10-3:00pm Panel Discussion: Starting the work at home
3:00pm Adjourn
3:00-3:30pm Grant Organizations available