Alumni StoriesNewsTheology September 6, 2022 Gutsy Alum: Rev. Whittney Ijanaten Our alumni profile stories have unearthed incredible stories of ministry, both in traditional mediums and in new, creative formats. This… Stephanie Seeger Love0
PhD ProgramStrategic PlanStudent LifeTheology July 12, 2022 Generating a Preaching Renaissance: Recap of the 2022 Mixed Methods Preaching Conference On May 2-5, Christian Theological Seminary’s PhD Program in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric held the second annual Mixed… Stephanie Seeger Love0
FacultyPressTheology June 7, 2022 CTS Welcomes Professor Timothy McNinch to Faculty CTS is excited to announce that Timothy McNinch has been appointed Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible effective July 1, 2022.… Nick Buck Love0
FacultyNewsTheology March 2, 2022 Prof. Lindeman Allen on God’s Politics of Reversal Rev. Dr. Amy Lindeman Allen, Assistant Professor of New Testament at CTS, recently wrote an article for the Political Theology… Nick Buck Love0
Alumni StoriesCounselingNewsTheology December 1, 2021 Rev. Holland (MAPF ’06) works to Address Mental Health in the Church CTS Alumnus Rev. Dwight Holland, a 2006 graduate of the Master of Arts in Psychotherapy and Faith program, was featured… Nick Buck Love0
Alumni StoriesNewsTheology December 1, 2021 Alumnus Chase Tibbs Hosts Podcast on Faith and Economic Justice Alumnus Chase Tibbs (MDiv/MTS '18) launched a podcast in 2019 entitled "Faith and Capital," which examines the intersections of Christian… Nick Buck Love0
DMin ProgramNewsStrategic PlanTheology December 1, 2021 DMin Program Evolves to Meet the Challenges of Church and Community Leadership The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program at CTS has long been an important part of its degree programs, offering advanced… Nick Buck Love0
FacultyPhD ProgramPressTheology November 2, 2021 Prof. Thomas Completes Preaching Trilogy with New Book Prof. Frank A. Thomas, Nettie Sweeney and Hugh Th. Miller Professor of Homiletics and Director of the PhD in African… Nick Buck Love0
Faith & ActionTheology November 2, 2021 Bryan Stevenson Inspires CTS and the Indianapolis Community On October 5, 2021, Bryan Stevenson visited the CTS community as the featured guest for the Faith & Action Project’s… Nick Buck Love0
DMin ProgramStudent LifeTheology August 31, 2021 DMin Student Rev. Notoshia Howard Works with Innovative Chaplaincy Program DMin student Rev. Notoshia Donnell Howard serves in both pastoral and chaplaincy ministry, and her ongoing theological education continues to… Nick Buck Love0