April 4, 2023
Is There Room for the LGBTQ Me in Ministry?
Is There Room for the LGBTQ Me in Ministry? by Rev. Dr. Nicole McDonald CTS PhD in African American Preaching…
April 4, 2023
Queer Theories for the Clinical Setting
Queer Theories for the Clinical Setting by Erin Houchin CTS MACMHC Student, CMHC Intern I have struggled to decide…
April 4, 2023
LGBTQ+ Affirming Care
LGBTQ+ Affirming Care by Eleanor Hearnly CTS Student Council Representative, MACMHC Student, CMHC Intern Over the past few months,…
March 1, 2023
“The Avenue” Uplifts Black Culture and Arts
Former CTS staff member and student Eric LeSure has found a way to serve the Indianapolis community by serving a…
March 1, 2023
History of Mardi Gras with Dr. Nicole Robertson
Do you know how Mardi Gras started, why it is significant, and why it is so inextricably tied to the…
March 1, 2023
CTS Alum Writes Novel for Lent
Rev. Callie J. Smith didn’t plan to write a novel for Lent. However, the #MeToo story she began writing one…
March 1, 2023
Master Clinician Workshop on Empowering Mental Health
People are more than their symptoms. In a time when symptoms are used to label, pathologize, and disempower people seeking…
March 1, 2023
Gratitude & Giving by Gayle
I would like to begin this month’s giving and gratitude article with a resounding thank you. During our annual Day…
March 1, 2023
Trading in Guns for Hammers
Rev. Ronald Covington knows how important pathways to promising employment are for youth in our community, particularly for youth who…