Annual Report 2023

Message from the President
Dear Members of the CTS Community,
As I reflect on the year behind us and look forward to the year ahead, I am filled with gratitude and optimism. The 2022-2023 year was not just a page in the history of Christian Theological Seminary; it was a chapter of resilience, transformation, and an unwavering commitment to our mission and values. I hope you will join me in appreciating the diverse beauty of the tapestry that is CTS, woven of many threads that make possible the formation of visionary leaders and the practice of faithful leadership in action.
This year saw the announcement of Two Schools, One Mission at Christian Theological Seminary. The creation of the two signifies the distinct ways in which prospective students can engage in our degree programs. The School of Theology focuses on holistic formation and development of students, supporting their flourishing as humans and as religious leaders. The School of Counseling addresses the rising need for mental health professionals, allowing us to train more highly qualified therapists to enter the field. We recognize the growing need for this service, as our Counseling Center offered over 11,000 client sessions this past year. It is clear that at CTS, the practical application of knowledge is equally as important as the formation of compassionate and skilled therapists…

At CTS, we’re committed to forming excellent theologians and counselors who serve God’s transforming of the world. CTS recognizes the world’s deep need for well-trained theological and counseling leaders – and we work to form them every day.
Supporting Congregations
School of Counseling
3rd Cohort in PhD Program
DMin Program Excels
Compelling Preaching Initiative
Faculty Expands
Two Schools, One Mission
CTS doesn’t focus solely on academic formation — it also provides practical ways for students and community members to live out their faith. It’s clear that at CTS, putting leadership into practice is just as important as the formation of compassionate and skilled leaders.
Counseling Center Takes Action
Faith & Action Project
Proclaiming the Dignity of All
Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
A Community Where Everyone Belongs
Advocating to End Gun Violence
Year in Review

Degree Enrollment
21 PhD
1 Non-Degree
16 Dual Degree

At a Glance
Our alumni and friends continue to bless our students and faculty with their generous and faithful gifts. Whether you support the CTS Annual Fund, our outreach and academic programs, or an endowed scholarship fund, your gifts to Christian Theological Seminary are deeply appreciated.

In fiscal year 2022, Christian Theological Seminary provided $1,338,817 to students in the form of scholarships. Of this amount, $1,083,791 was provided by scholarship funds in our endowment and $255,026 was funded by our operating budget. Christian Theological Seminary maintains a draw rate of 5% off of our endowment. While scholarships make up 17% of our spending from the endowment, the largest allotment of endowment fund support comes from board designated funds within our endowment. These board designated funds support salaries, facilities, technology, faculty development, and services to our students and community.

CTS Student Interns 51
Clients 881
Client Sessions 11,218
Christian Theological Seminary’s Counseling Center has been providing subsidized, affordable mental health and marriage and family therapy services to the greater Indianapolis area since 1967. In addition to providing a unique and immersive training environment aimed at developing the next generation of mental health clinicians and marriage and family therapists, the CTS Counseling Center has long worked to fill gaps and increase access to equitable and high-quality mental health services for individuals who otherwise could not afford treatment or receive individualized and thoughtful care.
Faith &
Community Convenings 3
Grant Recipients 4
Grant Support $105,000
The Faith & Action Project connects advocates, inspires actions, and empowers local organizations through public events, conferences, and its grant program to make a lasting difference and mitigate poverty in Indianapolis. In the past seven years the project has supported 27 organizations with more than $775,000 in grant funding.
We extend our gratitude to those whose support enables us to live out our values and accomplish our mission.