Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

69 Credit hours

Our Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MACMHC) program provides professional preparation for students from diverse backgrounds to practice counseling, care, and psychotherapy in a multicultural and pluralistic society. The MACMHC program’s objectives are the development of a professional identity grounded in a variety of theoretical orientations, with an emphasis on relational and depth psychological perspectives; the integration of spiritual/theological and cultural reflection in line with CTS’s commitment to social justice, diversity, and advocacy; and the development of core counselor competencies. The MACHMC degree meets State of Indiana academic requirements for licensure as a Mental Health Counselor. It is also aligned with CACREP standards and the professional orientation of the American Counseling Association (ACA).

Program Highlights
  • 100% job placement rate of program graduates
  • Whole person care that integrates spirituality – psychological, relational/systemic, and theological study combine with clinical practice to prepare our graduates to serve their clients’ full personhood
  • Emphasis on diversity – the program honors diversities of race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, and physical ability throughout its curriculum and clinical training. Clinical supervisors at the Counseling Center represent diversity of racial ethnicity, gender identification, and theoretical orientation
  • On-site practicum and residency opportunities – a distinct advantage of study at CTS is that students may conveniently complete their practicum hours with the CTS Counseling Center without the need to go elsewhere for this portion of the degree requirement. The center also offers residency opportunities for graduates as they prepare to complete clinical hour requirements to obtain state licensure
  • Prepare for diverse practice settings through a wide variety of clinical situations and experiences, including:
    • Crisis and trauma counseling
    • In-depth psychoanalytically-oriented psychotherapy
    • Counseling with children, teens, couples and families
    • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
    • Group counseling
    • Psychoeducational groups
  • Industry leading graduate completion rate – 100% of students complete the program in 3 to 4 years (full-time single or dual degree) or 6 years for part-time students.
  • 100% Credentialing Examination Pass Rate
  • Bachelor’s degree from regionally accredited school

Coursework Outline Download


The MACMHC degree prepares students for certified membership in the ACPE Psychotherapy Commission. It is guided by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP) standards and the professional orientation of the American Counseling Association (ACA).

This degree can be paired with a Master of Divinity. Speak with your admissions counselor for more information.

Ready to Apply?

placement of MAMFT graduates

2.5 Years

average time it takes a counseling student to complete their program

placement of MACMHC graduates
Student to Faculty ratio
of CTS students receive financial aid
in financial aid dispersed annually


Information for prospective and current MACMHC students

Supervision of Clinical Mental Health Counselors

The purpose of supervised clinical experiences is to provide students with clinical mental health counseling practice while they are learning how to become effective mental health counselors.  The intent is to help our students gain experience in areas of clinical mental health counselor preparation as defined in the 2016 Standards of the American Mental Health Counselor Association: clinical assessment; diagnostic impression and treatment of mental disorders; prevention and clinical intervention; ethical, legal, and practice foundations; diversity and advocacy; research and outcome evaluation. Field experiences in off-site internships provide clinical mental health counseling students with opportunities to practice individual, family, and small group counseling skills, consultation, collaboration, advocacy, and leadership skills taught in graduate programs.

What is supervision?

While supervision is a relationship that has similarities with counseling or psychotherapy, it does have “a different structure and purpose“ (Campbell, J. 2000. Becoming an Effective Supervisor, p. 1). “The primary purpose of clinical supervision is to ensure the quality of client care while the trainee or supervisee is learning” (p. 1).

“Clinical supervisors are responsible for transmitting the skills, knowledge, and attitudes of their profession to the next generation of practitioners counselors“ (p. 4).

Why is supervision important?

“Competent supervision requires a fine balance on the supervisor’s part between providing professional development opportunities for supervisees and protecting clients’ welfare. While assisting supervisees to learn the art and craft of therapeutic practice, supervisors also are expected to monitor the quality of care clients are receiving as well as serving as a gatekeeper for the profession. A primary aim of supervision is to create a context in which the supervisee can acquire the experience needed to become an independent professional.”

Corey, G., Haynes, R., Moulton, P., & Muratori, M.  (2010). Clinical supervision in the helping professions: A practical guide. Alexandria VA: American Counseling Association, p. 3.

What are the qualities and qualifications of effective supervisors?

Effective supervisors need a wide array of competencies and skills in a variety of areas. Supervisors should be confident but not authoritarian, be respected and viewed by others as capable, and advocate for their supervisees (Boders, L.D. & Leddick, G.R. 1987. Handbook of counseling supervision. ACES). Supervisors should be able to work with transference and countertransference dynamics in supervisees‘ client work as well as in the supervisory relationship.

Please see the "Effective Supervisory Behaviors & Qualities" document in the resources.

Site supervisors must have the following qualifications:
(1) a minimum of a master’s degree, preferably in counseling, or a related profession;
(2) relevant certifications and/or licenses;
(3) a minimum of two years of pertinent professional experience in the specialty area in which the student is enrolled;
(4) knowledge of the program’s expectations, requirements, and evaluation procedures for students; and
(5) relevant training in counseling supervision.

(CACREP, 2016, Section 3.P).

What is the difference between clinical and administrative supervision?

“Clinical supervision focuses on the work of the supervisee in providing services to clients. In our view, clinical supervision is best defined as a process whereby consistent observation and evaluation of the counseling process is provided by a trained and experienced professional who recognizes and is competent in the unique body of knowledge and skill required for professional development. Supervision also is defined by many external forces, including governing bodies, licensing agencies, and the settings in which we work.

“Administrative supervision focuses on the issues surrounding the supervisee’s role and responsibilities in the organization as an employee: personnel matters, timekeeping, documentation, and so forth (Bradley & Kottler, 2001). The line between these kinds of supervision is not distinct; thus, not surprisingly, there continues to be ‚extensive misunderstanding‘ of the activities that constitute clinical supervision (Schultz, Ososkie, Fried, Nelson, & Bardos, 2002, p. 219). All too often clinical supervision is confused with staff meetings and administrative oversight … It is not unusual for counselors to be supervised by someone who is required to function in both clinical and administrative roles, a situation that can lead to some common challenges.“

Corey, G., Haynes, R., Moulton, P., & Muratori, M.  (2010). Clinical supervision in the helping professions: A practical guide. (American Counseling Association, Ed.). Alexandria VA: American Counseling Association, p. 3.

What resources should be used in supervision?

Our resources section has several documents that could be helpful, but the following are particularly noteworthy:

The Individual Supervision Evaluation Form lists 21 skills supervisees are trained in. Supervisor and supervisee can use this form to identify skills in client work that are strengths of the supervisee and 3-5 skills which the supervisee will focus on to improve in a given semester. This provides a framework for a rich learning conversation.
“Off-site Individual Supervision Evaluation Form“

The following document also assists with specific Supervisory Functions:
“Supervisory Functions“

The Brief Summary of Supervision Models document provides a clear summary of the various supervision models commonly used.
“Brief Summary of Supervision Models“

Do we need to record counseling sessions to review in supervision?

No, since students do the majority of their clinical work for training at the CTS Counseling Center and review recordings in CTS supervision, off-site supervisors do not need to require recordings and do not need to review any recordings.

When and how should I contact the faculty supervisor?

Please feel free to contact the faculty supervisor at anytime during the semester. We want to have a collaborative working relationship and be proactive in all situations. We ask that you always contact us when you have any questions, concerns, or dispositional issues with the student.

You can reach the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program Director at 317-931-2346 or contact any of us directly using the contact information listed above.

How should I turn in the student's evaluation form?

At the end of the semester, please email your signed evaluation form directly to the Program Director at You may also mail the form to our office. The mailing address is: Dr. Nicole Robertson, CMHC Program Director, Christian Theological Seminary, 1050 W 42nd St., Indianapolis, IN 46208.

Does CTS offer training and/or CEs for supervisors?

Yes. CTS faculty supervisors will offer regular supervisory trainings for off-site supervisors. Some trainings will provide CEs, when indicated.

Christian Theological Seminary Clinical Mental Health Counseling Core Faculty

Matthias Beier headshot
Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Mental Health Counseling
Felicity Kelcourse headshot
Associate Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Psychology of Religion
Nicole Robertson headshot
Assistant Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Director of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program

Graduate Achievement Data for CTS MACMHC Program

Graduates by Degree Further Study Non-Vocational Placement Other Placement Unknown Placement Job Placement Licensure Rate Total Graduates
2021-2022 MACMHC 0 0 0 0 100% 100% 4
2021-2022 MACMHC / MDiv Dual Degree 0 0 0 0 100% 100% 2
2021-2022 Total Placements 0 0 0 0 100% 100% 6
2022-2023 MACMHC 0 0 0 0 100% 100% 7
2022-2023 MACMHC / MDiv Dual Degree 0 0 0 0 100% 100% 2
2022-2023 Total Placements 0 0 0 0 100% 100% 9
2023-2024 MACMHC / MDiv Dual Degree IP IP IP IP IP IP IP
2023-2024 Total Placements IP IP IP IP IP IP IP

*IP = In Process: Students from the cohort listed have yet to graduate from the cohort year listed.

CTS Counseling Center

A distinct advantage of study at CTS is that students may conveniently complete their practicum hours with the CTS Counseling Center, without the need to go elsewhere for this portion of the degree requirement. The center also offers a residency for graduates as they prepare to complete clinical hour requirements to obtain state licensure.