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CTS Announces Opening of 2025 Faith & Action Grant Applications


Each year, the Faith & Action Project provides grants to Central Indiana organizations and faith communities that are collaborating to close opportunity gaps and improve the prospects of upward mobility for area families and youth trapped in poverty. We believe that by investing in projects and programs that have demonstrated an ability for impact, we can help to increase their reach, accelerate their efforts, and make a bigger difference for people living in poverty.

Through the Faith & Action Project, CTS supports organizations generating real change in our community.  We have been honored to highlight programs and organizations that are working successfully to build self-reliance and stability for folks facing poverty and look forward to supporting a new group of grantees in 2025.

On February 19, CTS announced the opening of the 2025 grant application period. Nonprofit organizations and faith communities working to provide Marion County residents with pathways out of poverty are invited to apply for grants of up to $30,000 from Christian Theological Seminary. The Faith & Action Project is working to spark a revolution of hope in Indianapolis by leveraging resources to connect, inspire and empower lasting solutions for people living in poverty.

The grant program is a multi-step process. First-round grant applications are due April 15. The application and more details are available here.

At least one representative from the organization must attend the Faith & Action Project Spring Conference on March 11 for an application to be considered. Register for free at For those applicants invited to the second round, full grant applications are due on May 27. Recipients will be notified by July 1.

Grants should focus on education, health, affordable housing, employment pathways, and/or networks of support for individuals and families in or on the cusp of poverty.

“This year the Grants Committee will give favorable consideration to efforts working to provide safe and affordable housing,” said Lindsey Nell Rabinowitch, director of the Faith & Action Project at CTS. “We see housing as a human right, but also as a core tenet to a pathway out of poverty.”

Since 2017, CTS has provided nearly $1,000,000 in 42 grants to faith communities and nonprofits as part of the Faith & Action Project. A full list is available at

The Faith & Action Project is supported by the Mike and Sue Smith Family Fund, The Indianapolis Foundation, The Nicholas H. Noyes, Jr., Memorial Foundation, Lumina Foundation, and the Petticrew Foundation.