Josh Kline | The Goshen News
CTS Alum Benjamin Tapper facilitated a community conversation about “Repairing the Harm: A Community Conversation on the Systemic Exclusion of African Americans” in Elkhart, IN, on January 20, 2020. Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart coordinated the event in honor of the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
Tapper, who holds an MPA from Indiana University and an MDiv from CTS, is currently an Associate for Resource Consulting with the Center for Congregations and hosts the Invisible Truths podcast and blog. He was joined for the event by longtime Elkhart residents Jean Mayes, an ordained local elder at St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church, and Plez Lovelady, senior pastor at Southside Baptist Church and Chancellor of Beulah Bible College and Seminary.
Read more about the event in The Goshen News.