For their final activity together as students, members of the third CTS Discipleship Project (TDP) cohort traveled to Washington, D.C. the week of commencement to visit the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture. Most students in this cohort will graduate this weekend, having completed their M.Div. degrees, while those pursuing dual degrees have another year at CTS.
Led by mentors Prof. Rick Lowery and Rev. Brian Williams, members of this cohort entered CTS in 2014. The students in this cohort include David Barickman, Stephanie Eft, Milton Keys, Whittney Murphy, Bethany Scott, Chase Tibbs and Eric Williams. (Not all students photographed.)
The Discipleship Project is an innovative, cohort-based approach to theological education inspired by Jesus’s pedagogy in the New Testament Gospels. In addition to their regular M.Div. coursework, each year’s cohort of scholars meet regularly with two faculty mentors, engage outstanding community leaders and visit vibrant congregations to learn first-hand about Christian ministry today. Each year TDP awards 12, full-tuition scholarships and an annual stipend to admitted students. Find out more here.