Welcome to Christian Theological Seminary, where education, faith, and action meet to create transformative leaders for the church and community. CTS is open to all with graduate programs through its School of Theology and School of Counseling, mental health services through the Counseling Center, and collaboration to mitigate poverty through the Faith & Action Project. Whether you are interested in continuing your education, seeking accessible counseling services, or passionate about promoting justice for all, we invite you to explore our website and discover the many ways you belong here!
School of Counseling
Two Schools One Mission
Christian Theological Seminary has two distinct schools with one mission: the School of Theology and the School of Counseling, both forming leaders to serve God’s transforming of the world. We are an institution that educates and forms counseling clinicians in addition to pastors, chaplains, educators, and community leaders.
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Ready to apply?
Pursuing a degree in Theology or Counseling? Interested in more? Want to learn about our admissions process? With Two Schools and One Mission, CTS offers diverse degree programs to meet your graduate school needs.
Renewal & Reflection Opportunities
Our Clergy Renewal Programs, funded by the Lilly Endowment, help sustain the quality of ministry in American congregations and parishes by giving pastors the opportunity to briefly step away from daily obligations and engage in a period of renewal and reflection.
Latest news

From Homelessness to Hope: David Ambroz’s Journey to Advocacy

John Green at CTS: Choosing Action in a World of Uncertainty
Support Christian Theological Seminary
Giving options as diverse as our community
There are many ways to give to CTS, and all of them increase our capacity to offer an intellectually rigorous, spiritually formative, and emotionally supportive education—one that properly prepares our students to become church and community leaders in service to God’s transforming of the world.